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For a number of years now the phrase digital forensics has been bandied about and like many other "buzzwords" do we actually know what it is and why it should even matter to me?

Having got the definition and relevance straight is it something that I can do myself and if I do will I meet with success?

Frank Butler was formerly the head of the Merseyside Police Computer Crime Unit, for 7 years. He was a member of the UK Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) group which formulated the Good Practice Guide for Computer Based Electronic Evidence. In this high level presentation Frank will seek to explain how Digital Forensics has evolved from the early days to where it is now, an intrinsic part of not just law enforcement prcesses but also commercial activity.


The presentation will explain:

  • how practices have changed from traditional "dead box" forensics to todays endpoint investigation and
  • how it continues to change to attempt to keep pace with the evolution of type of devices found and submitted for investigation
  • understand how the discipline has two distinct pathways, the file system investigation approach and the artifacts driven investigation methods.


This event is a webinar and the link to this online event will be issued to attendees the day before the event.

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